Regional Health Reach
Providing quality comprehensive primary medical care to the homeless persons in the city of Rochester and the greater Rochester area

Regional Health Reach provides quality comprehensive primary medical care to the homeless persons in the city of Rochester and the greater Rochester area. Seeking to improve access to comprehensive medical care for homeless individuals, while simultaneously affording each individual access to services needed to obtain gainful employment, permanent housing and other resources that may be beneficial to their individual situation, without regard to the individual’s ability to pay.
Clinic Address
360 Monroe Avenue, Suite 2
Rochester, NY 14607
Phone Number: (585) 368-3720
After Hours Phone Number: (585) 368-3720
Hours: Monday – Friday | 8:00am – 4:30pm
Regional Health Reach provides comprehensive medical and dental care to homeless individuals and families who are currently experiencing homelessness in the Rochester City and Monroe County area. Services are provided at area homeless shelters, our Mobile Medical Unit and the clinic located at 360 Monroe Avenue, Suite 2, Rochester, NY, 14607. Services Provided by Regional Health Reach are listed below.
Questions? Please call (585) 368-3720
Primary Care Services
- Physical and health assessments
- TB screening
- Mental health evaluation and referral
- STD and HIV testing and counseling
- Treatment of acute and chronic health concerns
- Substance abuse evaluations and referral
Primary Dental Services
- Complete dental exam
- Teeth cleaning
- X-Rays
- Fillings
- Dentures
- Extractions
Sliding Scale Program
Regional Health Reach offers access to quality health care for patients who don’t have insurance or don’t have enough insurance through a sliding fee discount program, with discounts available based on your current household size and income only. The program can cover you for up to 12 months—a new application is required yearly or when your household size and income changes, whichever is sooner.
If you have been approved for our Sliding Fee Discount Program, you are currently a patient at one of our health centers, and you’re still struggling to afford your prescription medications, you might be eligible for our Prescription Assistance Program.
Photo ID
- Drivers License
- Government-Issued Identification Card/Passport
Wages and Salary
- Paycheck stub (4 consecutive pay periods)
- Current income tax return
- NYSOH Marketplace Eligibility Determination (full eligibility to enroll in insurance)
- Signed and dated income tax return and all schedules
- 1099 tax form
- Records of earning and expenses
Social Security
- Award Letter
- Benefit Letter
Insurance Status
- A NY State Medicaid, Family
Health Plus or Child Health Plus determination, if applicable
Unemployment Benefits
- Award Letter
- Benefit Check
Child Support / Alimony
- Letter from Court
- Child Support / Alimony Check Stub
Workers Compensation
- Award Letter
- Check Stub
Community Health Links
Regional Health Reach is proud to partner with local organizations to provide additional resources and support to members in our community. Visit our partners for more information on the programs and services they provide.
Donate today to make a positive impact on your community.

© Copyright . Regional Health Reach — Rochester NY. All Rights Reserved.
360 Monroe Avenue, Suite 2 Rochester, NY 14607